The Club
On this page you will find information about the Club
Membership Details & Application Form
Club Rules
Club Rules
The United Show Tippler Club
Rules of the Club
1 Title
a) The club will be known as ‘The United Show Tippler Club’.
2 Aims
a) To promote the breeding and exhibition of the Show Tippler;
b) To secure classification at as many shows as possible;
c) To stage an annual club show;
d) To provide judges at as many shows as possible;
e) To ensure all judges who judge breed classes have in their possession a copy of the breed standard.
3 Membership
a) Each member will be required to pay an annual subscription fee as may be set from time to time;
b) Subscriptions are due 1st January;
c) No person under suspension of the NPA is eligible for membership of the Club.
4 Club Administration
a) The President of the Society is an honorary position;
b) The running of the Society shall be left to a Secretary and two elected Committee Members;
c) An annual ballot will take place by post for the election of a secretary and two committee members;
d) The Secretary and Committee retire annually but are eligible for re-election;
e) The Secretary will be responsible for the finances of the Society;
f) The Secretary and Committee has the power to fill any vacancy without calling an EGM;
g) The Secretary is required to maintain accurate minutes of all meetings and financial accounts.
5 General Meetings
a) An Annual General Meeting will be held at the annual Club Show wherever possible;
b) At the AGM the Secretary will present an annual report and balance sheet;
c) The AGM agenda will be circulated to all paid-up members at least 7 days before the meeting;
d) Items for the agenda must reach the Secretary at least 14 days before the date of meeting;
e) The Secretary and Committee may call an Extraordinary General Meeting at any time;
f) The Secretary and Committee may, at their discretion, hold a postal ballot of paid up members to decide upon any matter;
g) All votes will be decided by simple majority.
6 Amendments to Rules & Breed Standard
a) Alterations can only be made at an AGM, a specially convened EGM, or by Postal Ballot;
b) Proposals for alterations, additions or deletions to the Rules or the Breed Standard must be in the hands of the Secretary not less than one calendar month before the date of the AGM, or specially convened EGM, or Postal Ballot.
c) Any changes to the Breed Standard will be submitted to the NPA for ratification by the EE.
7 Shows
a) All shows (except those overseas) supported by the Club must be held under the rules of the NPA.
a) All Rules of the National Pigeon Association apply to the Club and its members.
Mrs Gill Shaw
John S Harrison
Robin Pratt
Colin Ronald
Chris Wilkinson
Membership of the United Show Tippler Club is,
in accordance with the Club Rules,
open to anyone who has an interest in the Show Tippler.
Annual subscription
£5 per individual or £8 per partnership
Contact the Secretary for details
Application Form
A printer-friendly Application Form
in Microsoft Word™ is available by
Clicking Here
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download a viewer from Microsoft
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